Wednesday Wellness

/Wednesday Wellness

Why do we Sabotage

About a week or so ago, I had someone ask me an extremely thought provoking, important questions..."why do people sabotage their diets" (or general life goals)? I sent out an email to a few different clients I work with and here are two I wanted to share which came back to me...similar in their reasons of sabotage: Both of these clients have had huge success

By | September 16th, 2015|Comments Off on Why do we Sabotage

Paradigm shift

We've all been a rush...stuck in traffic, what should be a smooth sailing road trip has turned into a parking lot. We get irritated, impatient and wonder who is holding everyone up. Then we see it...a 6 car pile up with multiple injuries, paramedics, ambulance, stretchers; we feel humbled, hoping everyone will be ok and thankful we are healthy and alive. This is called

By | September 9th, 2015|Comments Off on Paradigm shift

Hidden sources of sugar

Sometimes we view sugar as only being in candy and cakes...but here are surprising sources of added sugar you might not even be aware of! I read this article this morning from "Health Watch". These are good to know...especially if you are dealing with the dangerous side effects of too much sugar. Tomato Sauces Tomato sauce and tomato-based pasta sauces may contain more sugar than

By | September 2nd, 2015|Comments Off on Hidden sources of sugar

Pockets of Silence

Several years ago I read and purchased a card reading" We are desperately searching for those pockets of silence where we can root and grow". Today, I still have that card; the message ringing to me loud and clear; even in silence. With our busy live's how many of us sit in silence, in meditation, in complete and utter stillness so we can really hear

By | August 28th, 2015|Comments Off on Pockets of Silence

Joint Health

I like to believe with the right foods and supplements we can keep our bodies as ageless as possible. One way to keep our joints healthy and mobile is to add alternative elixirs into our regiment so we "feel" ageless. As with any supplements, always check with your Doctor to make sure they are safe, especially if you are on any medications. Here are some

By | August 19th, 2015|Comments Off on Joint Health

Decisive matters

Every year I set two personal fitness goals; something "fun" and something "difficult"..both of which I've never tried before. I find it keeps me learning, inspired and engaged in my fitness. These activities vary in different sports year to year. My difficult goal for 2015 was cycling an event called "The Shasta Summit". It's held in August and involves over 10,000 feet of vertical climbing

By | August 5th, 2015|Comments Off on Decisive matters