What can you let go of?

Crazy weather out right now. It's nippy at night, hot during the day, then snowing in some regions! Yes, it's the turn of the season and it's Fall...nature is letting us know change is coming.

Be your own advocate

Have you noticed a topic quite "popular" in the media these days is bullying? It's in the news, the papers, sporting circles, schools and on many levels in the home. It was even brought up

Fat facts

The facts about fats~ There are 4 kinds of fats Monounsaturated (Healthy) Polyunsaturated (Healthy) Saturated (Unhealthy in excess, but important to the cells in very small amounts) Trans-Fats (Unhealthy and extremely toxic) The brain is

Stressed or Blessed

Remember way back when you had too much time on your hands? You could hardly wait to get new clients, or more friends, or a bigger travel schedule. You were excited for your kids to

Just Move

How often have you had a minor injury or pain in your body and felt unable to workout? Even something as common as a cold, or you slept wrong and had a "kink" in your

Take Nothing for Granted

The other day, I heard the list below, read to me by one of my teachers. I don't know if I was in "that" space to where it hit me hard, or it's just a

What is Functional Training

Functional training...what does that mean? In my career, I see that if someone doesn't "function" well with their body's actions and reactions, ..they are going to have a difficult time functioning in general; especially as

The magic of Epsom Salt

Recently, I have fallen in love with Epsom salt...do you know what it is? I found some great articles which I compiled together below. Read through this and it might help break down a little

A New Body

When I was younger, I was much heavier and fairly sedentary. It took a long time to discover how much I love activity and it took even longer to get healthier and love nutritious foods.