What can we control?

So much of what happens in our lives are out of our control, however much we try to change that. We angst about the weather, the mood of someone in our life, the health of

Positive Potential

The other day I came across a workbook from a seminar (in 2009) a friend of mine attended. The speakers were Shawn Achor and Elizabeth Peterson, both with a company called Aspirant, an applied research

Body Tune up

I cycle a lot. When I gather with my cycling friends and clients we always check to make sure our chain is lubed, we check air in our tires, see if the breaks are working,

Hard Work…is it working for you?

If you are like most of us, you take great pride in working hard. There's a huge sense of accomplishment when we put in long hours, achieve our goals and hit major bench marks of

A Calorie is a calorie…or is it?

Each month I get a newsletter from a company called "Health Watch". Every now and then they pass on some information I find very useful, and I'd like to forward this on to you! What's

For the love of Tea

Team Body Firm~ Lately I have fallen in love with herbal teas. It wasn't too terribly long ago that I thought my only options of tea were English tea, green tea and good ol' Lipton's.

Slow Down to Speed Up~

Sometimes you have to slow down, to speed up. Have you ever heard that? I love goals, challenges, pushing my body and sometimes I think I am invincible (don't we all?). Then out of nowhere


The other day I was hiking with one of my trainers, friends and inspirations, Michelle talking about our goals. She has many...one in particular could potentially happen on her birthday in September. It's a lofty

Just Drive….

    The other day I was in my car for several hours and instead of multi tasking on the phone, or my usual, listening to books on tape or music, I turned off all

The Rebel

Team Body Firm~ Picture this...you are on your way to dinner thinking about this amazing piece of fish you'll have on a nice salad without too much cheese or other saturated fats and you'll order