New Year’s Intentions


The first day of the year. This is truly an opportunity to renew, refresh, and recreate. I've heard many people talk about what's to come in the new year and what is possible. Think about

New Year’s Intentions2016-12-11T18:44:08-08:00

Thank you November


November is thought of as the beginning of the Holiday Seasons. It's thought of as the marker for the changing of the weather and it's recognized for brining gratitude to the table, so to speak.

Thank you November2016-12-11T18:44:08-08:00

Sunny or Stormy which season are you in?


If we lived in an environment where each and every day we had temperatures in the mid 70's, blue skies dotted with a few clouds here and there, perfectly green hills, a slight breeze and

Sunny or Stormy which season are you in?2016-12-11T18:44:09-08:00

Free Seminar every Thursday from 12:30-1:30


Bring your lunch and learn about nutrition, fitness and homeopathic remedies to create a healthier, more lively body!   Every Thursday from 12:30-1:30, Dr. Cody Fowler of Symmetry Sports and Tammy Parkinson, CNC of Body

Free Seminar every Thursday from 12:30-1:302014-09-24T08:41:28-07:00

Is a headache necessary?


I'm doing a seminar this week about foods which cause headaches and foods which help reduce headaches. It dawned on me that probably every person alive has had at some point a headache. There are

Is a headache necessary?2016-12-11T18:44:09-08:00

Claudia Dugue


Claudia Dugue, NASM CPT Rock Tape Certified Hello! My name is Claudia Duqūe. I am a certified personal trainer and have a specialty in RockTape which is used to promote recovery and prevent injury. My

Claudia Dugue2016-12-11T18:44:09-08:00

Deziree Slusher


Deziree Slusher, NASM CPT, Life Coach, SN Deziree Slusher has always been around sports and athletics.  Growing up she played in competitive and travel league soccer, softball, field hockey and track and field.  She went

Deziree Slusher2016-12-11T18:44:09-08:00

Facing the Wind


As I was driving in to work the other day, the wind had the flags flying at full extension. The trees were leaning a few degrees and there were leaves scattered everywhere. As an outdoor

Facing the Wind2016-12-11T18:44:11-08:00

Nichelle Gurule


Nichelle Gurule, DC, CSCS Dr. Nichelle Gurule graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder, with double bachelors’ degrees in Integrative Physiology and Psychology.  She graduated from Palmer Chiropractic College West Campus with a focus

Nichelle Gurule2016-12-11T18:44:12-08:00
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