My Word of the day~

Have you ever had a day that turned up side down within a few minutes of waking up? Then the day kept spinning and up until the time you got to bed, you were in

Life’s Curve ball

Recently many of my clients have been moving through a "shift"...getting unstuck from frustration, grief, overwhelming feelings and life's curve balls. Today, one of the special people sent me this...and I wanted to share~ it's

Unusual Produce

Do you ever wonder if it's ok to eat the rind of a Meyer lemon, or the stalks of an artichoke? The answer is YES (as long as they are washed well). We Westerners go

Learned Helplessness

I've recently learned a term "learned helplessness". The theory of learned helplessness state that when an individual lacks belief in one's ability to change the circumstances of their life, or fears the unknown results of

Reluctant Fitness Junkie

The other day I was having a "fitness" conversation with a woman who, for many many years placed her health priorities on the back burner. After we talked for a while, she shared with me

Your Reality

It's so hard to know what the "right" thing is for our own diet and exercise plan. We read books, talk to friends, review what worked before, what didn't work before and we think we

Being “active”.

Maybe you workout 1 day a week? Maybe you have a personal trainer you work with 2x a week. Or do you go to yoga every day? It's possible you walk with a friend for

The Goal

Earlier this week, I received this email from a Body Firm client. It's intense, but digs at the core of our happiness and unhappiness. I'd like to share, and thank our client for taking the

Two Lives

  Earlier this morning a wonderful client (and friend) sent me this quote. I do not know who wrote it, but it was provoking and I'd like to share it: "Most of us have two