Our Wellness Center, located in suite K is located just above our Fitness Studio which is located at 51 University Avenue in downtown Los Gatos. We are proud to offer a variety of services which will help you feel better, live better and create a dynamic lifestyle to compliment your training and nutrition which is offered in our Fitness Studio, suite D.
The main services in our Wellness Center are:
- Active Release Technique (Dr. Capobianco & Dr. Fowler)*
- Graston (Dr. Capobianco & Dr. Fowler)*
- Power Taping with Rock tape (Dr. Capobianco & Dr. Fowler)*
- Chiropractic Care (Dr. Nandkeshwar, Dr. Fowler, and Dr. Capobianco)
- Massage Therapy (Aaron Odell and Mary Chicca)
- Bike fitting (Aaron Odell)
- Accupuncture (Dan Hingle)
*If you’d like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Capobianco or Dr. Fowler, contact www.symmetrysport.com and book your appt. directly!
For Dr. Steve Nandkeshwar,
call 408 234 1781
For massage, please contact Aaron at 408 482-0025 or Mary Chicca 408 393-9762
Wellness means many things to many people. At Body Firm, we believe it to mean quality of life. We offer one on one training to help each person achieve their health and fitness goals, we offer nutritional programs to help our clients achieve optimal balance in their weight and energy levels and we offer wellness coaching to help our clients put it all together in and out of the studio. While having a balance of fitness and nutrition is the crux of life, it is equally important to have the foundation to build a healthy body, inside and out. This foundation comes from our Doctors, Steve Capobianco, Dr. Fowler and Dr. Steve Nandkeshwar, three highly qualified and exceptional chiropractors.
The treatments and programs offered by our Doctors are:
- Chiropractic care
- Sports Rehabilitation
- Biomechanical Analysis
- Active Release Therapy- activerelease.com
- Graston Treatment – grastontechnique.com
- Injury Care
- Performance Care
- Foam Roll/Myofascial Ball Rehab Program
- Postural Correction Program