In our lifetime we will never see the same month, day and year again all in one date. Today is 12/12/12 as most of you have already surmised. Did you create a special experience around it by chance? Did you notice the clock turn at 12 noon, 12 minutes past and 12 seconds past?
A few of us were at the studio at that exact moment and spontaneously (through the coaxing of one of our clients) decided to do 12 pushups 12 x every minute starting as 12:12 and 12 seconds. After our 12th time, spontaneously again, we grabbed the moment and did a 13th set for good measure and to set our intention towards a healthy mindset to the year 2013!
It was fun and memorable~ even charged us on to discuss the power of going with the moment and doing something a little “extra”. Often we get wrapped up in making our activities a big planned out ordeal; often leading us to avoiding it altogether because it can’t be done perfectly. Intense, long hard workouts are fabulous, but let’s take a look at the little activities we can grab in our every day routines that we sometimes overlook.
You go to the mall or the grocery store and drive around for 10 minutes to find the close parking spot, when in reality, parking 50 feet away is quick and will give you a little “extra”. Then when you bring the shopping cart out to the car, do you leave it on the curb, or do you walk it back?
How about the hopeful look your dog has wanting a walk in the evening? Do you tell yourself you don’t have time, or do you put his collar on and take a quick 5 minute walk down your street, giving your beloved pet the highlight of his evening?
Then of course there’s the mornings when you are standing in front of the news eating your breakfast, mindlessly thinking about your to do list. Maybe you could stretch your legs out at the same time or even double up and stretch while you brush your teeth
All of these might seem a little silly, but if you grab the moment, catch the spontaneity of the activity, consistently you will stay active, stay energized, and have a little fun while you do it!
Even though 12 o clock, 12 minutes and 12 seconds have officially passed (unless you are in Hawaii!) it is still 12/1212 at this moment while I write and hopefully while you read. What can you do to seal this special day into your mind leaving you with a healthy and fun memory?
Go with the moment, today and every day and see what gifts and activities each day brings!