There you are, sitting in the Dr.’s office after your blood panel has come back and you hear from your well intended Doctor “your bad cholesterol (LDL) is double where it should be, you are in danger of a heart attack if you don’t change your diet dramatically”!

Or you hear “your fasting glucose shows you are diabetic and if you don’t change your health, you are at risk of the disease and its symptoms which can impair your eyesight, weight, moods and blood flow”.

Maybe you hear “you have gained 40 pounds since we saw you 2 years ago, you are at risk of health issues like high blood pressure, inflammation and a myriad of other health issues”.

Do you feel like you have been given a death sentence?

How about you have been given an opportunity? You have been given a key to change your life; a new lease on life!

Your Doctor has just lain out for you the path towards extending a life which has a better quality to it as opposed to the path that you are currently on if you don’t change. The choice is yours. You have at your fingertips advice from health experts everywhere you turn, and at the end of the day, or more purposefully at the beginning of the day, the choice to grab this opportunity is all yours.

What in your life is feeling wrong, too hard or overwhelming such that under the “layers” so to speak is really an opportunity? The options are endless to make incredible changes if we choose to look at it that way. It’s often within our control to create a healthier life, a more vibrant life; even through the most daunting news.