Each year I hear from friends, colleagues and clients how challenging the Thanksgiving weekend will be for so many. It can get a bit overwhelming with guests in town, travel, and those delectable comfort foods. Here are some tips I use and have heard from others which might help you this next week.

· 1) The day before Thanksgiving and the morning of, do a little “extra” workout. Make it fun, but see if you can add on 15-30 min to each “normal” activity. This can ideally help you burn another 100-300 calories each time and every calorie counts this time of year! In fact, to really help your mid section, plan on a walk (even leisure) after your Thanksgiving feast rather than sitting on the couch. This will keep your meal a little lighter; since you know you need to actually “move” after your dinner!
· 2) Choose water throughout the day vs. anything sugary; saving hundreds of unwanted calories and sugar grams.
· 3) Load your plate with ¾ vegetables during dinner.
· 4) Even though you know you will have a yummy dinner, still have breakfast and lunch. You will end up making wiser choices during dinner since you won’t be half starved.
· 5) Rather than go back for 2nds or 3rds, put anything else you want on a “to go” plate and have it the next day. Sometimes we over eat because we think we will never ever have those foods again. Take it home and have it for breakfast and/or lunch the next day.
· 6) Bring a low calorie salad dressing or Balsamic vinegar to your dinner to save several hundred calories in dressings.
· 7) If you are cooking, choose low sodium, light, low calorie versions of your food options. Choose fresh foods to replace dried foods (i.e. grapes vs. raisins, or low fat hummus vs. full fat cheeses, etc)
· 8) If you are having any cocktails, choose a low calorie mixer or a light beer. If having wine, be honest with your pour and know a “serving” is 4-5 oz. Have water between each drink. This will hydrate you and keep you from drinking your calories. You’ll also feel a lot more vibrant the next morning!
· 9) Wake up early on Friday and go for a great workout. This too, will keep you from over eating or drinking. Who wants a hangover (food or alcohol) when you need to be active @ 9 am?
· 10) Call your favorite trainer @ Body Firm and get in a buddy workout during the weekend with a relative from out of town. Show them how fit you are (smile) Now THAT is something to be thankful for!
· 11) Most importantly, smile, laugh, be grateful and embrace your health and family; the roots of a happy and rich life!

Happy Thanksgiving!