This weekend…will you be Acidic…or alkaline?
The human body uses acids to help digest proteins and alkalines, or bases, to digest starches. But optimum body health is maintained when it is consistently in an alkaline state. In fact, research shows that maintaining a proper pH balance keeps us healthier by reducing fatigue, easing muscle pains and preventing indigestion. PH measures, on a scale of zero to 14, the level of hydrogen ion concentration. A pH level over 7.0 is more alkaline; a pH level under 7.0 is more acidic. Pure water and typical human saliva are pH neutral. Healthy human blood is slightly alkaline.
Ideally, 80 percent of what we eat should be alkaline and just 20 percent acidic. For most Americans, though, their diets are almost the opposite, too heavily dependent on processed foods and too deficient in fresh fruits and vegetables. A diet made up of dairy products, wheat and animal protein is very acid heavy and contributes to weakening your overall physical and mental health. Many health care professionals (including myself) believe excess body acidity can lead to headaches, arthritis, dry skin, fatigue, recurring infections, obesity and general weight gain, and anxiety.
And…here we go, into a decadent weekend of mostly acidic food! How tough it that?!
Now, this Thanksgiving holiday, and the leftovers for the next several days include turkey (acid) gravy (acid) Cranberry relish (acid) alcohol (acid) potatoes (acid) butter (acid) rolls (acid) stuffing (acid) creamy salad dressings (acid) Egg nog (acid), pie (acid) and green beans (alikaline YAY!!!!) We have something alkaline.
Ok, kidding aside, yes, the weekend will probably be pretty acidic. You might get acid reflux, you might feel fatigue, you might feel a little bloated and you might have some headaches.
I’m not asking you to change your food rituals, I mean, I am having stuffing (smile!) However, here are a few alkaline tips you can do to at least help the pendulum swing a little closer to the alkaline side:
Have lemon or lime with your water (yes, lemons and limes are alkaline!)
Choose Extra Virgin olive oil or coconut oil and herbs instead of creamy dressings on your vegetables and/or salads.
Choose leafy greens with your turkey. Some of the most alkaline are parsley, cilantro, cucumber, artichoke, lettuces, and sprouts
Have some green vegetables (green beans, broccoli, broccolini, Brussels sprouts to name a few) *Note, radishes, cauliflower, garlic and onion aren’t green but are very alkaline.
Drink some herbal tea (dandelion root is especially good) during the day or later at night.
Add chlorophyll and even ginger to your water.
Have some fruit for dessert (some fruit is acidic, but much less acidic than desserts made with sugar and butter; plus fruit has a lot of fiber and nutrients).
Drink filtered water (not carbonated)
Enjoy your Holiday feast! But enjoy feeling good too!
If you make a few of these additions to your weekend, you just might feel like you have a little more energy, you might have a little less brain fog, and most likely will sleep better!