Wellness One Step at a time


How do I begin? My soulful and fitness trip, Grand Canyon, Alabama Hills, Yosemite, and all the moments in between left me breathless. I’m incredibly grateful I have the health and drive to do these

Wellness One Step at a time2022-07-11T12:18:26-07:00

The ripple effect of compassion


I am finding this unaccounted-for, unscheduled time to write this afternoon.  Why?  Well, you see my 12:30 appointment today needed to be abruptly canceled because she lost her job.  She’s devastated and here we are...life

The ripple effect of compassion2022-07-11T12:22:27-07:00

Being Real


I’ve been writing for many years...I’m guessing 18....maybe more? Weekly.  The topics are endless to share. And, most weeks, I have conversations, emotions, and pivotal moments to release. Yet, I find in some days, weeks, and

Being Real2022-07-11T12:01:45-07:00

Wellness words


I wrote this about a year and a half ago, yet I find the message as important now as ever.  So many of us are going through big transitions and how we look at our

Wellness words2022-07-11T11:49:22-07:00

Wellness poses between the poses


So often we say (or hear)…I’ll be happy “when”.  We look for the end goal of our happiness.    We also look in the rear view mirror and think, I wish I would have or

Wellness poses between the poses2022-07-11T12:13:36-07:00
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