What does spring time represent to you? For some, it’s the beginning of longer days, for others it’s the tail end of the school season and for many of us it’s a time of new beginnings, a rebirth of sorts.
I heard it said, “Spring is a time when the seeds of what we planted in our past begin to grow”.
Maybe late last year you began working on your fitness and it was hard, daunting and you struggled. Now, 5 months later you are feeling lighter, stronger and ready to take your regiment to a new level; you are growing.
Or back in August 2012, you decided to take baby steps towards eating a diet rich in vegetables. When you started, having 2 kinds a day was overwhelming, yet now you enjoy a vegetable each time you eat and look forward to it, your health is improving and you are “growing” younger from the initial concept you planted only a few months back.
Quite possibly, only 2 weeks ago you decided you were going to do one random act of kindness and now you are seeing the ripple effect of that positive behavior all around you.
Maybe, you are still in that stage of planting and haven’t quite yet seen the growth.
What we can cherish, is even if we are still in the stages of planting, we are growing, developing and enriching our lives by cultivating change and by looking for that renewal.
Whatever garden you have and are continuing to plant, spring IS a time of new beginnings. So in this new season, look around, see the trees budding, all the new flowers in the hills, and ponder your own life; what have you been cultivating?