Sometimes you have to slow down, to speed up. Have you ever heard that?
I love goals, challenges, pushing my body and sometimes I think I am invincible (don’t we all?). Then out of nowhere after I’ve run at mach 10, it’s like the rug gets pulled under me. I feel like I get hit with a hammer and all I can do is go for a slow walk and a gentle yoga class. And you know what…that is PERFECT!
Our bodies and our minds aren’t designed to run at that level 24/7…yet we so often expect it to. We feel guilty if we rest or if we lounge. Our adrenals get fatigued and might start to effect other areas of our body negatively. We might get sick with a cold or flu, we get body aches, cranky, snappy, and at a more severe level, we might witness hair loss, weight gain or loss, breakouts, severe mood swings and at worse case, disease.
Noticing when we are running faster than we need to or are designed to do is part of the practice. Getting in tune with how to slow down and rest is a talent. Once we are able to nest, regroup, and heal, usually our bodies can go stronger than it was a few short days ago.
The real beauty is being able to do this in short spurts consistently so we never get to that desperate place that might take months or longer to recover.
Go for the goals, make challenges, yet listen to your body and pull the reigns in now and then so you can slow down, heal, recover and hit the ground running again with vibrant energy! All aspects of your health will thank you for this.