Team Body Firm~
January has been a month of getting “grounded, or rooted”. This will most likely flow into February and even early March. It seems this year more than ever, so many of us have needed to take a pause and “reset”.
We love the crazy and fun times during November and December, but once January hits, we are exhausted, confused, emotional and not quite ourselves. This is why this precious time of becoming “still” and getting centered is so vital. We need time to renew and take stock in who we are again!
As we enter into a new month, many of us are getting a grip on what direction we are now headed. It’s important however to take this path carefully and with authenticity…whether fast or slow, do it true to what is calling to you.
As always, I like to link this theme with our health. It’s important to take the time to let one’s roots sink in just like it is important to be decisive with a goal for our health, our exercise routines and our nutritional habits. Because of this, as we start ramping up on our fitness again, consider being deliberate with your goals. If you want to ride your first Century bike ride for example, start now with a plan on how to progressively become prepared…get your foundation in order during these early months.
If you would like to lower your cholesterol and lose 15 pounds in the process, committing to a diet low in saturated and transfats now will help with the LDL cholesterol area and increasing your exercise will help in raising your good cholesterol…not to mention friendly to your waistline. Mapping out a plan on when to get blood work done then counting backwards on starting now will get you rooted towards achieving a healthy heart and weight.
I like to use the analogy of an oak tree vs. a pine tree. They are both beautiful, big and majestic. An oak tree looks enormous and strong…and it can be; however it’s roots don’t run very deep. If the mighty oak has to endure a drought, the limbs of the tree are fragile and upon a severe storm, the limbs or possibly even the tree itself will fall.
The pine tree on the other hand it tall, strong and usually very old. The pine tree has deep roots. The pine will endure droughts better and in the end will live through unstable storms in it’s life swaying in the wind, but rarely falling.
Let your roots get deep this year. Decide which path you would like for your year and consider being methodical in your journey. Become the pine (or Fir or Redwood) so you can be healthy enough to persevere through the seasonal whims of nature (i.e life!)