During this Holiday Season, we often think of presents. Buying presents, giving presents, wrapping presents, mailing presents and of course receiving presents! It’s fun to give, to watch someone you love open something they enjoy and cause them to smile.
What about the other present…BEING present? We get into such a rush this time of year that rarely are we in the moment. Rarely do we pause, listen, slow down and embrace what we are feeling, what we are seeing, what we are listening to.
How often these past few days have you taken a pause to hug someone you love…really hug them? Did you rush in the door, say hello to your family so you could get on the computer to order that deal which only had 2 hours left remaining on the web? Did you get on the road, driving frantically to your favorite store to buy gifts before it closed; ignoring the rainbow, the decorated houses, the scent of the air after the rain?
When you went to that holiday party this past weekend, were you present? Did you notice everyone around you? Did you engage in conversation true to the moment? Did you get the opportunity to go “inside” and reflect on the memories of the party after you left?
Trust me, I know how easy it is to have lists, to run from commitment to commitment only to find myself with 10 more things to do at 10 pm. It’s a habit to set priorities for the future, yet while doing that, we can often forget to sit quietly and BE.
I am suggesting to take a pause this upcoming week. Notice your family and friends, really notice. Tuck your phone away and out of sight for the night and meet new people, laugh and enjoy new and old friend. Listen to the sounds both internally and externally. Smile at the little things and while wrapping your presents, wrap your heart and mind around being present.