When we know know a big storm is on the horizon or we plan on taking a trip “in” to a storm, we prepare for it. If our tires are bald, we consider new tires. We look at our windshield wipers, get new ones if needed, and we keep a blanket in the car.
For our homes we check any leaks which might need attending, we clean the gutters and stock up on candles.
If we know we are going to be out and about we bring our hats, gloves and umbrellas.
We prepare for the storm as best we can.
What about when we wake up, expecting a sunny “emotional” day and an emotional hurricane hits us out of the blue. Are you prepared? Do you know how to calm yourself down to handle the chaos? Do you know how to move into “safety” mode and protect your family (i.e. how not to yell, have a breakdown, be grumpy, etc.)?
How about when you over indulge in food and even alcohol? Do you know how to ground yourself and be healthy again? Do you quickly drink more water and choose low salt, low sugar foods on quick reflex to reset your body; or do you go for the greasiest burrito you can find to keep the dark clouds brewing in your body?
We value the safety of our cars and homes in stormy fronts; do you think we should also create a plan of how to react and protect our health in times of internal winter weather?
I think it’s time for a health preparedness plan!