Have you ever had a day that turned up side down within a few minutes of waking up? Then the day kept spinning and up until the time you got to bed, you were in constant turmoil?
I sure have!
I found something that helps me is anchoring myself to a “word of the day”. I’ve talked about this before on many different levels.
About a decade ago I began writing in a journal 10 things I am grateful for and 10 things I want to attract in to my day. I began this ritual and it has forever changed me. I will not turn on any electronics until I write my 10/10’s and set the tone of the day, offering gratitude for my amazing life.
Several months ago, I started adding in a “word of the day”….or “intention of the day”. To me, this is different than what I want to attract…it’s my “emotion” which helps anchor my day and tether me when I get a little (or a lot) of track. I never know what this word is going to be until I open up my journal and I feel what I need to be, do, feel, act or react to.
For example, I was having one of those crazy, out of control, everything changed in a second (constantly) kind of day yesterday and I was a bit out of balance to say the least. Today, I instantly knew my word was “grounded”. I needed to feel solid and sure footed. That set my tone and consistently throughout the day, I remembered my “intention” and immediately felt “right”.
This is only one example of so many times I’ve used this technique and it has helped me move past an uncomfortable moment to a very happy, secure and focused feeling.
We know that we have the power to change our attitude and this is one tool to help us do that.
Consider for a week to try and write a word of the day before you turn on the world. See how this changes not only your attitude and focus, but those reacting to you as well.
To yours in Health and Wellness
Tammy Parkinson CNC CLC CPT
Body Firm Personal Training and Nutritional Consulting