The facts about fats~
There are 4 kinds of fats
Monounsaturated (Healthy)
Polyunsaturated (Healthy)
Saturated (Unhealthy in excess, but important to the cells in very small amounts)
Trans-Fats (Unhealthy and extremely toxic)
The brain is made up of about 60 percent fat and in order for it to function properly, we need to consume the healthy fats. Everyone is a little different in their needs for fats pending on activity to name just one factor; however “good” fat IS important! These fats which keep you healthy, come from the earth and the ocean. They are minimally processed.
Fish and shell fish, along with the fats coming from the fish such as fish oils and cod liver oils are excellent sources of healthy fats, along with fats which come from the earth such as nuts and nut oils. To name a few are extra virgin olive oil, virgin coconut oil, almond oil, macadamia nut oil and grape seed oil.
Now for the bad news…
Saturated fat comes from land animals (and is even present in olive oil and coconut oils) . In moderation, it’s ok; in fact as mentioned, necessary, (5% of total fat can be from Saturated fats)
Transfats however are the real danger. You’ll find man-made saturated/hydrogenated fats and man-altered trans fats in foods like crisco, margarine and many bread and dessert products. Look in the ingredients list for the name fully or partially hydrogenated oils. Oils that are hydrogenated and chemically made lead to decreased cell membrane transport (which diminishes nutrients’ ability to be absorbed and used by the cells) and inflammation.
Something to know…
The half-life of transfats is 51 days. What that means is after 51 days of eating no transfats, you still need another 51 days to complete the clearing and even then, a 25% residual remains! For example, after you eat a bag of potato chips or a serving of french fries, the trans fats remain in your body for 102 days and can cause improper nerve function, increased inflammation and poor cell communication!
The half life of the omega-3 fatty acids found in cod liver oil, tuna oil, and salmon oils is 18 days. Additionally, adding 1 tbsp of sesame oil into your diet every day is great for improving skin and increasing energy. Consider replacing all transfats and most saturated fats with healthy from the ocean and earth oils.
Careful not to go too crazy here though, fat is dense and a little goes a long way calorically.