Monday I started to write this week’s Wednesday Wellness with the topic focused around transitions and change. I was thinking about kids going back to school, vacations ending, teachers starting up their classrooms again and parents getting back to their routines.

I was reminded about more traffic in the mornings and the effect this has on our workout plans, our routines, and our social time.

People tend to get more serious around the fall feeling like it’s time for “change” and time to get rooted and grounded.

I wanted to write about how change is great for our routines, the adaptation of change keeps us eternally growing.

Well then, Monday night, I received some personal news about a change that was about to happen in MY world and all of a sudden this whole “change” and “transition” idea didn’t feel so awesome!

I tried to continue my writing about change come Tuesday, then again earlier this morning and had a complete writer’s “block”. I didn’t WANT to transition! I didn’t WANT change!!! I wanted my routine! (can anyone relate?)

One of my (many) awesome sister in laws, reminded me that maybe why I had a hard time writing about transition is because I got totally derailed and I didn’t know how to find my track again. So true! You know, when life offers us expected change, we already have a plan and we can stay to our course. When life offers us unexpected change, often we get off our path and are so daunted and overwhelmed, we don’t know how to find our way and simply decide (because the choice is ultimately ours) to stay “off path”…taking months, maybe years to figure out where we are supposed to be and go. This place of “nowhere” can dig us into a deep hole that can be overwhelming to crawl out of.

The reality here is no matter what transitions happen in our life, deep down, we have an innate belief of who we are, where we want to be and WHO we want to be, or rather know we CAN be. We know what we want in our life, what patterns and behaviors we will and will not accept and we know on some level what our purpose is. We may need to take a pause and look at things a little differently and we might need to make some changes to get there that weren’t in our initial plans; but at the beginning and end of the path, road, rail, journey or day, deep down, we always have a direction if we listen to the quite voice inside.

At the simplest level, when we look at our health, we know what we are capable of. We know what feels good and what doesn’t. We know what will make us healthy in our minds and in our bodies. We know how to transition and we know change is good for us.

Change can make space for things we can’t see when we are so focused on our limitations. Looking back through history, the World’s as well as our own, we see unexpected change can often lead to some of the most amazing stories of our life. We need to be open and stay open, even in times when we are uncertain, scared, frustrated, overwhelmed and plain ol tired! We also need to stay connected to those people and routines which are our foundation…which continue to lead us to a balanced mind and body.

A very special friend passed along a nugget earlier this week to me~

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change”.

No matter if the transition is big or small…it’s time to adapt and rock it out of the park!