When you think about your earning potential, do you consider what your glass ceiling is? Do you consider success, equivalent to your financial life, or is success a much bigger picture? Where do you expand, dream or limit yourself? Do you give yourself a glass ceiling of “success”? Do you now, or intend to in the future, pad your financial means so that in your Golden years you can live comfortably? How much time have you spent investing in your financial future? How many professionals have advised you towards investing and saving for a little ease later in life?

Now, shift to your life expectancy potential. Do you think “If I live to be 75 I’m happy?” Or, maybe your limit is 90 years and you’ll be happy? What glass ceiling do you put on your health and in what WAY do you want to end your years? How much time do you spend preparing (in the future) for this?

Just like in retirement, do you take care of your body and mind in the earlier years so that later in life you can live longer and healthier? Do you spend time and invest your finances to consult with professionals on how to live a healthy life…all the way to the end? Do you consider that it’s possible to live beyond 100 years AND live those years with vibrancy and health?

We accept that many can invest their money and time to retire “comfortably” ~ yet we somehow so often miss the boat when we consider that it’s possible and quite accessible to front load your health to live beyond “normal” expectancy with a healthy mind and body.

I find our society values investing in “things” so much quicker than investing in ourselves…our health (until it’s an emergency and sometimes too late).

Heady stuff, I know, but sometimes it just takes someone to put what we all know in a different perspective so we can view it maybe from the glass ceiling which we self create!

Dream a little about what it would be like not only to live past 90, but past 110 and in a healthy way, to FEEL good and be active at ages which are a little out of the box! We do it financially…we dream big, why not dream about our health in this way?

I say it’s possible…how about you? What would you need to do to invest in your body the way you do in your retirement fund?