I’ve been writing for many years…I’m guessing 18….maybe more? Weekly. The topics are endless to share. And, most weeks, I have conversations, emotions, and pivotal moments to release.
Yet, I find in some days, weeks, and months, I am “dry”. I don’t know what to share, I don’t know if I can inspire. I wonder if my words even are worthy.

This is how I feel today. And in sharing this, I realize you might feel this way too at times. Possibly more than you talk about.
We want to give our all. We hope our words encourage others, yet there are days and nights when we only want to receive and just be.
This is how I feel today. And in sharing this, I realize you might feel this way too at times. Possibly more than you talk about. We want to give our all. We hope our words encourage others, yet there are days and nights when we only want to receive and just be.
That’s me tonight …me for the last couple of days. The world is fast-moving again and I’m caught up in “wait!…wait for me…wait for me to be ready..!” Wait for me to find a really inspiring nugget, so amazing I can lift others up! Wait! But it’s not with me tonight and yet I think this is exactly the nugget! The nugget is to know we are just fine if we simply need to be. Not to offer, not to lift, not to move, empower, motivate…but to be still. The act of just being vs. doing is all we need at times, and we can be ok with that.
We can go online and realize so many others have all the whiz-bang tools and ideas that at times we can’t compare. I feel that way some days. I wonder how I can be everything.
Yet… when I go very deep, I know I’m perfectly imperfect and that what I have to offer is enough, because I see that in so many I work with too. These humans in my world are spectacular~ and I hope each of them knows this. They are emotional, giving, growing, breaking through, struggling, trying, and trying again. I see the power each person in my life brings to the world, some days more or less than others…yet never giving up… and daily I am inspired~ sometimes it takes my breath away.
So, as I write this, I know others feel as I do…dry…yet at the same time unbelievably inspired by the World and the people in it~ and at the same time overwhelmed to see the blossoming of others…
So…thank you to those who are tired and for showing us how to be real. Thank you to those who are in need of restoration for showing us it’s just fine to fill your cup and to receive so that your cup can be full. This is necessary~truly a non-negotiable.
Thank you to those who ask for what you need so you can nudge the rest of your tribe to help fill your cup. Thank you for those who simply don’t know how to be on fire every day of your life…and for having a cry or two to be real.
You all inspire me, help me and show me that positivity is about knowing you will be ok…even if there’s a struggle bus to carry you along the way. And, thank you for letting me be real, and sharing that although most of the time, I am fired up…there are days I want to just be still. The cool part is in simply writing this, I’m beginning to be fired up again …so thank you.