Have you ever wanted to achieve a specific goal, yet only claimed it in your “inside” voice?  Then quickly thought you could never truly accomplish it?

To say goals are important is an understatement.  Goals will help you move forward in life in your work, health, family, personal growth, finances and even leisure.  However, goals only become a reality when you actually claim them and move towards them some how, some way…but you move in a direction.

Let’s say you had a goal to run a marathon, (inside voice) but you hardly even go out for hikes.  Your bravado might claim this is what you want to do, but that ever present doubt persists and will keep saying “some day”.

Well folks, someday is now!  Not that you need to run a marathon tomorrow, but that you start with walking around the block, then a mile, then 2, then 3, then run a lap at the track and so forth.  This goal might take years.  You’ll need to eat better, rest more and make sure you take care of your body.  You set a goal to walk a 5 K, then you run a 5 K, then you train more often and possibly hire a trainer specializing in running;  then you run a 10 K…and you keep working.  You have days you feel tired, days you feel too busy, days which are cold and rainy and then you realize that most days you feel energized, you feel in your best mood ever and  you look in the mirror and see you look 5 years younger than you did a few months ago and you feel 10 years younger!

Last weekend I rode 207 miles with a team of phenomenal friends and clients from Body Firm. We cycled from Seattle to Portland.  We did our first 147 miles on Saturday and the rest on Sunday.   There were many logistics to making this event successful and many amazing people who we couldn’t have done it without; but at the end of the day every single rider in this event did it from their own perseverance, strong will, determination, focus, healthy habits, dedicated training and most of all pure will.

4 years ago, the goal was a 72 mile bike ride and never in our wildest dreams did anyone think of riding the Seattle to Portland route; it wasn’t even remotely on our radar.

Still, with dedicated spirits, everyone worked just a little bit harder each season, each year and it led us to this past weekend.  Truly one of the proudest moments of my life, not only for myself, but for every rider in our group and the overall ride event.  They ALL were truly amazing.

The effort was a team collaboration and non of us could have done it as well without the other’s help, encouragement and support.  The power of a team and the power of moving towards a goal together is underemphasized in most cases.   Over the years, it was one foot (or pedal) in front of the other, each time taking slightly bigger steps while building more confidence and strength.

There were times when sickness came in to play, family issues which were overwhelming needed to be prioritized, finances were overwhelming and injuries occurred (some quite serious)…but at the end of the day, there was the bigger goal, always in sight and never forgotten.  That underlying goal was to be and stay healthy and the events were and are a means to keep us there (here).

I’ve seen some amazing athletes with extreme limitations.  Riders with one leg (no prothstetic), riders who do not have legs, runners who do have prothstetics (and passed me I might add) and participants who have overcome near death experiences due to heart disease and other health related issues only to become healthier as they age with the right exercise and nutrition.

I’ve seen clients lose 100 or more pounds through extreme commitment, daunting determination and focus.  I’ve seen clients who have reversed life threatening diseases through this same grit and fire.

This past weekend, I learned of a rider cycling from Washington to New York…with one arm (he lost his other limbs in an accident).  Now THAT is grit.

So why do we give up (“we” meaning so many of us who live this life) so easily…so soon…before we begin?

I think we forget that to achieve our dreams and goals; we first need to claim them~ even start to dream about them!  We need to visualize what it will take, map out our action plan and start with that first step.  We need to look for professionals to help us and friends to support us. We need to forgive ourselves when we have off days, brush off the dirt from falling down and keep our ultimate dreams in focus and keep moving towards them.  We need to have faith in the power of our support systems, encourage others as helping others is a beautiful way to live and most of all…believe in our own power and strength.